Monday, June 16, 2008

New Blog!

With the change in status of our family, I felt like I needed a new it is! This blog will be open for a few more weeks, but I will be closing it eventually. Make sure to change your bookmarks, and come see us often.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Diet Coke, Please!

My sisters (and my mom) all think that it's hilarious to feed Chandler adult food. I usually freak out, so they have resorted to doing it behind my back. This is a picture that one of them sent me just trying to get a rise out of me. Brats. Luckily I know she can't drink through a straw yet, or I would have been upset!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Slumber Party.....

.....well, not really. We didn't all actually SLEEP there (thank goodness)! But this is how Adam and I's bed turns out some mornings! Aren't they cute?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

New Paint!

I finally got around to painting my family room and kitchen/dining area and I love how it turned out! The green is beautiful and the khaki color is just what I wanted, not too brown and not too light. Here are a few shots of it. Sorry, I took the pictures on my phone, so they aren't all that great.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I'm a blogger!

I've always said that I wouldn't be a blogger, but here I am. I'm using it as motivation to take more pictures of my girls....they are only small for so long! So here we go...